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Appendix A – NCS Script (Full)

For easy reference this section lists the NCS Script in its entirety without instruction. This is the suggested script and does allow for personal style and delivery.

This is <insert callsign> acting as net control for this session of the OM International Sideband Society <insert band> meter net. This is Traffic, worked all States and Awards type net. You do not have to be a member to check in, All Amateurs General Class and above are welcome.

Please refrain from relaying on air or on AIM. Please allow Net control to handle check ins.

We will begin by taking check ins for QRP, Mobile, Portable, DX or any first timers. Please call now. 

Are there any relays on any QRP, Mobile, Portable or DX Stations?

** General Check-Ins **
Welcome to the OM International Sideband Society Net. This is <insert callsign>, my name is <insert first name>, and my OMISS number is <insert OMISS number>, acting as Net Control for this session.

The objectives of this net are to work for OMISS awards, pass traffic, and promote good will among amateur operators. The net is run by the Net Control Station, and all calls must go through Net Control or a designated relay station.

Designated relays for the net will be: <list relay call signs>. If another station hears something that net control or the designated relays do not hear, please say “relay, and identify with your call sign” then wait for net control to acknowledge you. Please do not jump in without being recognized.

At this time, we will break the net for any EMERGENCY or PRIORITY traffic. Is there any EMERGENCY or PRIORITY traffic? Call now.

Are there any relays for EMERGENCY or PRIORITY traffic?

Is there any traffic, general announcements, or Net business of general interest to be announced?

During the net, the minimum acceptable signal report is a 2x1, and the maximum acceptable signal report is a 5x9.

Net Control or a relay must hear both stations acknowledge the correct signal reports for a contact to be “a good one”. This makes the call “official.”

All stations must identify with their full call sign when making or receiving a call. All net times are in Zulu (UTC) time, and the current time is <insert time> Zulu.

We have <insert number of new operators> operators listed as “newcomers” on the list. They are: <call>,<name>in <state>. On behalf of all the members present, I would like to welcome them to the net, and we look forward to each of them pursuing membership in OMISS. As a reminder to stations you can receive a call at any time, but you must wait your turn to make a call.

For those of you looking for your 49th or 50th state for OMISS WAS or STATEHOOD: you will be given priority should those states check in. If there anyone looking for his/her 49th or 50th state please call now, or post in AIM.

When working a mobile station, please include both signal reports, and include the mobile station’s location on your QSL card.

Contacts made with a combo station will only count as one call.
While closing this session of the OM International Sideband Society Net, I would like to thank everyone who checked in to the net and those who assisted Net Control as relays. Many thanks go out to <list relays by call sign> and everyone else who assisted Net Control, because without their kind assistance, the net would not be possible.

We meet here, on the frequency of <insert center frequency of band for net> (+ or -), depending on conditions, every <insert day net is held>. Net Control would like to invite all stations to participate in the net again on <insert next net day/time>.

You can visit our website at for more information about this net. The net is officially closed at <insert current time> UTC, and the frequency is clear and available for normal and customary amateur use. 73 everyone from <insert callsign>.
  • omiss/guidelines/ncs_full_script.1674282908.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/01/21 06:35
  • by wx0mik